Mountain to Sea
Professional back-of-the-book indexing
services for authors and publishers.
Mylinh Hamlington
Professional Indexer
I am a former public children’s librarian/manager and current back-of-the-book indexer. Reading, learning, and education have always been my passions and indexing brings all three of them together. I welcome the opportunity to work with authors, editors, and publishers from all communities and backgrounds. As a person of color myself, I am especially passionate about working with other members of the BIPOC community as well as those from other historically marginalized communities.
The index that I will create for you will not only enhance your book but will also strengthen the connection between your text and your reader.

Why hire a professional indexer?
Indexers provide a fresh eye and look at your work from the perspective of the reader. Although authors are the expert of their own work, they are often ‘too close’ to the subject to be able to index it objectively. Indexing is often the last step in the publishing process and at that point many authors find that they are exhausted with the process and are grateful for the aid of an indexer in providing this important final step. Additionally, indexers have spent a significant amount of time to gain specialized education, acquire professional software, and learn the required methodology and standards required for a quality index.
Let's Work Together
I’d love to discuss your project and answer any questions you have about me or the indexing process.